27 weeks

Jan 18, 2015

I had a major realization the other day. The baby had an unusually quiet day. He let me sleep through the night with no jabs or kicks, and didn't move all day (even after I panicked and drank a large hot chocolate, a few cookies and and a bowl of fruity pebbles to see if they sugar would help- in retrospect, I may have over did that part...). Needless to say, I was in a panic. Like any first time mom, I called my midwife three times and paced around my house shaking my belly and calling my mom over and over to ask what she thought. Everyone assured me he was probably fine and just needed a rest day. I sat on my bed crying "But what if something's wrong??". Just then, KICK, JAB, ROLL, FLIP. The kid was back to his usual routine. He was totally fine. Just needed a rest day. sigh.

Before, I thought excessive worrying/thinking about how my baby was doing/feeling/thinking all day and night was just a part of pregnancy- but at that moment I realized I will be absolutely, completely consumed with every aspect of this child's being for the rest of my life. My sole purpose is now worrying and making sure this kid is okay. It's not even something I had to learn, or train myself to do. It's so engrained in being a mom your brain just flips a switch when you get pregnant and you can't help but be consumed by your baby. It sounds really obvious, but I can't begin to explain how intense it is. I am kind of in awe of how much I feel for my son, and he's not even born yet- I am actually afraid of how much I am going to feel for him when we meet. My heart might explode.

Now I totally get why my parents call to check in a million times. I get why they made me wear a helmet and wouldn't let me do a flip off the diving board. Why they asked me "Where are you going? Who will be there? When will you be back?". I don't understand how they ever let me get in a car, or go away to college. They worry not because they're annoying human beings put on this earth to ruin all of my fun, but because they are built to. And now I love them even more for it.

Needless to say, the whole 'this pregnancy thing is going to end with a baby' is becoming more apparent. We started pregnancy classes at the hospital, toured the maternity floor and started his nursery. We have less than 3 months until our baby boy is here- and I'm starting to get antsy. Sometimes I just hang out in his nursery, just because. Is that weird? A few weeks ago I was really into "enjoying every moment of pregnancy and not rushing the process", but now I'm just like "APRIL HURRY UP AND GET HERE, I NEED TO HOLD MY SON".

Want to see a magic trick? Now I'm pregnant...

Now I'm not.

How far along?  27 weeks. LAST WEEK OF THE SECOND TRIMESTER! I can't believe how fast the second trimester went. Probably because I actually felt like a human being again for most of it.
Total weight gain/loss: +5 pounds!
Maternity clothes? I really need a maternity coat. My regular coat no longer zips over the bump.
Stretch marks? None.
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat at my appointment a few weeks ago. It's gotten so loud and strong. Also, whenever he hiccups- cutest thing in the world. 
Miss Anything? Hot yoga. Back sleeping. I'm considering caving on the runny eggs. Would it make me the worst mom in the world?

Movement: I definitely felt a defined foot the other night. He pressed it up for long enough I was able to really run my fingers over it for awhile and it was definitely a little foot. I squealed an actual squeal. MY BABY HAS A FOOT, OMG HOW CUTE.
Food cravings: So much grapefruit in this house. I also found Cara Cara oranges at Trader Joe's, which are MY FAVORITE. No complaints, could be way unhealthier cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick: NOPE! :)
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes.
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? I can't even with my belly button. It is definitely permanently disfigured. Is post pregnancy belly button reconstructive surgery a thing?
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy with a lot of random crying while I'm awake. According to Kyle, I'm a beast when I'm sleeping- apparently, I threw a dog off the bed the other night (he's fine.....)

Looking forward to: I'm super excited about birth classes. I have no idea why. Just let me be excited about it.
Gender: Still a boy...
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Favorite Development this week: He's dreaming now!  


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